Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pump up the Jam!!

Well here it is!! The second post. Woo Hoo!! I've always found joy out of reading everyone else's blogs, and always thought to myself "I wish I could have one and have it as interesting as theirs"

So, as some of you might know, I absolutely LOVE music! I have always been able to learn better when I would be listening to music. Math was always hard for me, so my mom bought a Cd that would sing out your times tables to you. Now that's cool!! And guess what.... It really did help! One of the ones that stuck out to me in my head was something along the lines of "There were two 6's stuck on an island, and couldn't drink the water but they were thirsty... 6x6= thirsty 6 (36)" And that totally made sense to me from there on out!

I started doing research on music and how it affects the brain and your ability to learn, and also how it can affect you spiritually. And the more I got into this "miniature" study, I started to think to myself "Wow, God loves music just as much as I do!" As I was watching this year's Jesus Culture out in Redding, California Via Live Web stream, I heard a guy from the Christian Hip Hop group Gen 14 say something that really clicked in my head and made perfect sense. He said "Any Genre of music that you hear on this earth has already been heard in Heaven. Satan can only corrupt and pervert what God has created. Satan does not have the authority to create anything, but he can twist the truth to make you believe a lie." I hear so many people talk about how Hip Hop, Rock, and Techno music are from the "Devil", but we need to start realizing that God created that type of music first, and Satan has just taken control of it. My goal with music is to write/produce songs that would pull a generation back into the rhythm of listening to Rock, Hip Hop, Techno, Punk.... and let that music be so overpowering with the glory of God, that they never want to go back to listening to Lil' Wayne, Young Jeezy, Slipknot, or The Ramones because they all of a sudden are finding pleasure in "Christian" music. Did you know that when Albert Einstein was growing up and going to school, the principal of his school advised his parents to take him out because he was "too dumb to learn"? His mother did not think that would be the best option for him. How did she fix this problem? She went out and bought him a violin. When young Einstein would get stuck on a problem that he was trying to figure out, he would leave the room, pick up his violin and start playing. By the time he would return to his work, he would be able to figure out the problem. Now look at him! He was considered one of the smartest men in history.

I copied this next part off of

When the Federal Government needed troops to answer the call, be it North or South, those troops never left home without a drummer as an integral part of the unit. Usually they were boys too young to do the actual fighting but who knew the importance of a good drummer. What a thrill it must have been for a small boy, who had probably never been further than a few miles from his town, to march off to war with a company or regiment of home folk. I think it would be hard for any of us in this day and age to imagine a boy joining a fighting unit and going off to war. But almost every city, town, hamlet or village that sent troops to war, had one or more of these brave young native sons.

Much is written about the weapons and strategies of war but little is said about the importance of the drummer. Its often thought that a drummers' only task was to beat cadence for his unit while marching. That was only a small part of a day in the life of a young drummer.

Without a drummer to establish communications and keep order among the units in the field, many campaigns would have ended in failure. The drummer had many responsibilities, including using one of many drum calls for everything from assembling officers for strategy meetings to sounding retreat in the midst of severe enemy fire. A drummer could always be seen near a high ranking officer because at any time he might be needed to alert the troops of an upcoming movement or operations.

Because of his job as the communicator for the unit, he often did not get enough sleep. At any time he might be needed to play the appropriate drum call. This meant being awakened at any hour and not being able to return to sleep for many hours. Once the men were assembled and deployed to a particular engagement, the drummers would lay down their drums and take up stretchers, act as runners between outposts, or do whatever was necessary to help the unit. Many tales of heroism have been told about these young lads, and many lived to ripe old ages to tell generations of their contributions to the war effort.

I thought this was pretty neat! I had heard this many times about how drummers would be on the front lines of the battle. With me being a drummer myself, this scared the heeby jeebies out of me!

But as I close this, I just want those of you who might be song writers, or have even thought about it. Don't ever give up because you think your songs wont make it or impact anybody. God has so many uses for songs, and you might not become famous, but who wants to be famous anyways?? Most famous people can't handle pressure and go down in a spiraling motion! Be Blessed and have a great rest of the week!!!


  1. Wow; really impacting! I had never considered that every genre of music has already been in heaven OR that Satan does not have the authority to create. Loved this post. --Grace

  2. I know, when I heard that as well, It woke up something inside me that said "This has got to be stopped!" haha

  3. I love that you have a blog! I have zillions of adoption blogs that I follow & now I can add yours too!!!

  4. Great post, Ches. You made some excellent points and I'll probably say something about when I see you next but I'm really looking to the future and working with you on music.
    Blessing and Increase,
